Space for... das bedeutet wir wollen Platz machen und euch alle vorstellen, die uns geholfen haben. Ruthie hat uns schon von Anfang an unterstützt, als wir noch gar nicht so recht wussten wie und wann es SFAN überhaupt geben wird. Sie hat Textile Design in Madison und New York studiert und ein Jahr in Guatemala für ein Fair-Fashion Unternehmen gearbeitet. Von dort hat sie uns auch unsere ersten Textil-Schätze mitgebracht. In Panahachel hat Ruthie für uns den lokalen Stoffmarkt abgesucht und fünf wunderschöne Raritäten gefunden - von alten Vintage-Stücken, bis zu handgewebten Einzelstücken der örtlichen Frauen Kooperativen.



Auch wenn wir nicht live dabei sein konnten, hat Ruthie uns an ihrer Reise zum Textil-Markt digital mitgenommen...falls ihr wissen wollt wo unsere Stoffe herkommen:


(Foto von Paul Osswald) Der Textil-Markt liegt direkt am Atitlan-See am Fuße des Atitlan Vulkans in Guatemala.



Das sind unsere Schätze aus Guatemala - wunderschöne handgewebte Baumwolltextilien mit einzigartigen Mustern.



Einige der Stoffe sind Vintage, andere von lokalen Frauen-Kooperativen und mit natürlichen Pflanzenextrakten gefärbt.



Erfahre mehr im Interview mit Ruthie:


Whats your name, age and where are you from / currently living? 

My name is Ruthie, I’m 25, and I’m originally from Madison Wisconsin but currently live in New York City.

What is your profession?

I studied Textile Design and have been following beautiful textiles ever since! After working in Guatemala for a year I moved back to Brooklyn and started at my current job. I love getting to create products that are all about being cozy at home. Something especially important right now!

What kind of garment would you like to be and why?

If I could be any item of clothing I would want to be the coziest knit sweater handmade from the softest (not at all itchy) wool. You can wear it with anything, it will always keep you warm, and it will last a lifetime!

If you could make one wish, what would it be?

I wish I could instantly speak every language on earth. Or, to have the ability to speak to animals! I would love to be able to say “hey! how ya doing??” to every dog I pass on the street and have them say “hey!” back to me :)

Who did you always want to meet for a coffee and a chat?

My Opa Rudolf, I’m sure we would have a lot to talk about.

How do you integrate the topic of sustainability into your everyday life and have you ever thought about sustainable clothing?

Sustainable clothing is one of the main ways I integrate sustainability into my everyday life. I am very intentional with where I shop. I make a point of supporting small businesses who are transparent with their practices and prioritize intentional sustainability and support for the people whose hands are making the garments. I try to invest in quality pieces that will last my whole life, and when they do wear out, I can always mend them. Also, I do love shopping vintage too!

Is there something you always wanted to say?

Just do your best and be kind people!